there are exactly 101 days until mike and i[ke] get married. some days that feels like waaaaaaaaaaaaay too many (most days) and then there are others where i can't believe it's soo soon. i need to find a dress, still. blah-- i mostly want to be a million times skinnier for my wedding which is why i'm putting off finding my dress. i should just go find a winner.
photo by alexa warren. soooo much talent in this girl!
a huuuuge thanks goes out to my amazing, talented sister, shelly. she is my wedding planner and i would be lost, confused, and crying in a corner without her. she is honestly, hands down, the best sister in this universe. she's got a beautiful smile and the best answers to everything--even if i don't ask. she lives her answers. i love you, shelly.
another win for michael in the settlers of catan department. we went to kemp's on sunday and played four people on a small board--out of control. and 5's were being rolled left and right. i think he cheated, yeah, we'll go with that : ) i'm sure kemp and whitney would completely agree.
paul and geri are on a cruise with my gma and gpa. i hope they bring me a mexican treasure. like a bracelett, or tanning lotion--a girl can only dream.
black friday was a success for best buy murray this year. and it was a long day-- we were opened for 23 hours. yucky. we hit some great goals though : ) *brushing shoulders off*
christmas is in the air and i am soooo happy about it! i love seeing a christmas tree everyday and seeing lights as i drive in the evenings. the merry tunes play at best buy. life just doesn't get better than this. *hogle zoo*